In this video Co-Director and Founder of Bliss Baby Yoga, Ana Davis, demonstrates with Sophie (27 weeks pregnant) how to adapt Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) pose for pregnancy.
Using a chair as a prop, Ana shows a more easeful, yet deeply hip-opening version of this pose. This is especially beneficial for late pregnancy when a person may feel very heavy and tired.
(Click the play button on the video below to view).
Ana Davis, Founder and Co-Director of Bliss Baby Yoga has a passion for a feminine approach to yoga, and supporting women with yoga through all ages and stages of their lives. She is a lead trainer on our popular Online Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training Course, Online L1 & L2 Restorative Yoga Teacher Training courses and co-facilitator of our Online Level 1 & Level 2 Yoga for Fertility Teacher Training. She also offers private mentoring and yoga sessions online, and online yoga classes. Ana is also the author of the groundbreaking ‘health bible’ for women, Moving with the Moon – Yoga, Movement and Meditation for Every Phase of Your Menstrual Cycle and Beyond.
If you are passionate about teaching Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga and would like to further your skills and knowledge through some additional professional development, we also offer Online Prenatal and Postnatal Anatomy & Physiology, Pelvic Floor Anatomy & Physiology for Women’s Health and Perinatal Nutrition & Ayurveda Extension Modules.
With thanks to our model Sophie Duncan – founder of, and illustrator of our Bliss Baby Yoga course manuals, and Ana’s book, Moving with the Moon.
Further Reading related to this topic:
- Adjusting in Supported Prasarita Padottanasana for Pregnancy (video demo) with Ana Davis
- Let’s Twist Again! Twisting safely during Pregnancy by Ana Davis
- To supine or not to supine, that is the question! by Ana Davis
- Safe Yoga for Placenta Previa by Nadine O’Mara
- Releasing the Psoas during Pregnancy by Ana Davis
- Chair Yoga for Pregnancy by Ana Davis
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