"It is said that the moment a woman decides she is ready to have a baby, that is the moment she becomes a mother". Our new Yoga for Fertility Senior... read more →
How can you apply yogic philosophy to tune in to your intuition as a parent or parent-to-be, a skill you know will serve you well during this time? Practical Yoga... read more →
Can a person practice Yin Yoga safely during pregnancy and early parenthood? This would have to be one of the most commonly asked questions we field here currently at at... read more →
Oxytocin is often dubbed as the ‘love hormone’ and offers many benefits, especially for women. The role that the hormone oxytocin plays in birth and motherhood is generally well understood:... read more →
Are twists safe during pregnancy? During pregnancy it’s safe to practise twisting postures without compression. This means that strong, closed twists such as Ardha Matsayandrasana (Lord of the Fishes Pose)... read more →
Can you still offer students a nourishing, soothing Restorative Yoga class without the use of multiple 'studio' props? Restorative and Accessible Yoga Teacher, Robyn Bell, shares how to teach more... read more →
Meet Bliss Baby Yoga guest teacher Dr Lauren Tober. Lauren is a mother, Clinical Psychologist, Yoga Teacher and specialist in the areas of Perinatal Mental Health, Anxiety and Restorative Yoga.... read more →
Rosie Matheson, Senior Bliss Baby Yoga Facilitator and Doula, reveals just how naturally intelligent our bodies are during birth. Hormones for Birth As a doula I already had a strong... read more →
It’s commonly thought that in order to be a doula or teach prenatal yoga, one has to have experienced pregnancy and birth themselves. However as Kiran Mallie shares, this is... read more →
I was 21 when I was first diagnosed with endometriosis. I had laparoscopic surgery, which helped me for a while. But then as warned, the symptoms came back, but this... read more →
Learning to work with the hormonal fluctuations of your cycle is one of the greatest life hacks available to women. Once you understand how to recognise and respond to your... read more →
It is often debated as to whether music should be part of a yoga class. Traditionally, the practice of yoga is one without extra stimulation of produced sound and many... read more →
How do you find patience when your cup is empty? Bliss Baby Yoga Director and lead teacher, Nadine O'Mara shares this personal journal entry from when her children were a... read more →
Since stepping onto the path of supporting pregnancy and birth back in 1989, my experience has covered teaching Prenatal Yoga in wellness centres and hospital environments; many years of teaching... read more →
When I gave birth to my son almost 19 years ago, employing a doula to support one’s birth was not as common as it is today. My plan was to... read more →
You can make space for relaxation any time. Breath, it’s the first thing we do upon entering life, and breath is the last thing we'll do before we exit. While... read more →
Yoga Philosophy is fundamental to the practice of yoga, yet its existence or exploration is avoided in so many yoga spaces. As part of honouring the roots of yoga as... read more →
Does the word philosophy sound heavy to you? Perhaps it brings forth images of tomes of thick books or deep, extended contemplation? It’s true that the Rishis (sages) of South... read more →
Many people’s first and often abiding experience of yoga is through the practice of the ‘Asana’ or postures. Yoga is largely known in the West as a physical practice that... read more →
Safe Squatting in Late Pregnancy and Labour We’ve all heard how beneficial squatting can be during pregnancy and labour. But what do we need to know to maintain safety for... read more →
Yoga is for EveryBODY! Not too long ago in a group yoga class, the teacher made a joke about her post-lockdown pancake belly. It was a joke, yet it made... read more →
How can we nurture new mothers and support their recovery from pregnancy and birth through yoga? Senior Bliss Baby Yoga facilitator Mari Notaras shares why she's an advocate for 'Mama-Only'... read more →
Over 30 years ago, my introduction into the world of birthing and babies was becoming pregnant whilst I was undertaking Yoga Teacher Training in Sydney. As soon as my teachers... read more →
Ana Davis explores the science that firmly supports the benefits of a safe Prenatal Yoga practice for an expectant mother and the foetus. In Prenatal Yoga classes it’s not uncommon... read more →
When you find out that you are pregnant, especially for the first time, you often start to wonder what you should and shouldn’t do. There is A LOT of information... read more →
No matter whether you breast feed, bottle feed or chest feed your baby, it can be a truly beautiful experience. As you sit back on the sofa with your soft,... read more →
The first six weeks or so after childbirth is often dubbed the 'Fourth Trimester'. Most people have heard about the importance of yoga during pregnancy, but there's less awareness about... read more →
In India, the home of Ayurveda and Yoga, promoting and protecting the health of the yoni or female reproductive system, was considered paramount. Great care was taken through all stages... read more →
Most people are aware of the importance of eating well during pregnancy, but did you know it’s equally important to ensure correct nutrition before the baby is conceived? Everything you... read more →
In pregnancy and beyond, Yoga Nidra can have a profound effect on strengthening the connection and bonding process between mother and child. These powerful, yet simple and effective relaxation techniques... read more →
This month we share some practical tips for Prenatal Yoga Teachers from Senior Bliss Baby Yoga course facilitator, experienced prenatal and postnatal yoga teacher and mother of two, Mari Notaras.... read more →
Being a cyclical creature in a linear world is not always easy. In fact, it can feel quite impossible to flow with our innate nature as woman when our culture... read more →
Do we really have to avoid inversions during menstruation? The short answer is, yes. Not everyone agrees, though. This can be a recurring point of contention on yoga discussion boards.... read more →
In November 2021 Bliss Baby Yoga Founder and Creative Director Ana Davis celebrates 25 years as a yoga teacher! To mark this milestone, she sat down with Bliss Baby Yoga... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Creative Director and Founder, Ana Davis, reflects on the lifechanging day, 25 years ago when she first embarked on the journey of becoming a yoga teacher. There... read more →
One of the things I have always loved about yoga is that there’s a style and practice for everyone. Unlike many other physical practices that are bound to one set... read more →
Yoga, as we know it, is a 5000 year old tradition that was created by men for men. Yet the majority of yoga practitioners and teachers are women! This is... read more →
It seems to me that Perimenopause is one of those grey areas, which up until fairly recently was rarely spoken about. There's also a distinct lack of information or advice... read more →
When I was 42 I was tired. So tired that I became sick. I had been running on adrenaline for too many years—single-parenting while juggling a demanding work schedule that... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga's Operations Manager Robyn Bell shares some creative practices to help stay connected when working and studying online. Since 2020, many of us have found ourselves online more... read more →
This blog was written prior to Maria Kirsten's passing in April, 2021. She was a treasured member of our Bliss Baby Yoga community, and is dearly missed, particularly by her... read more →
A Moving with the Moon approach to yoga honours the importance (and benefits) of practicing in tune with the menstrual cycle. But what about during the postnatal period? This is... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Founder and Co-Director, Ana Davis, discusses prolapse and how the right kind of yoga can support a woman’s recovery from this condition. A prolapse occurs when the... read more →
I was in my mid-20’s before I was finally able to look in the mirror without criticising myself. It was at that point that I realised my relationship with my... read more →
Menarche, or first menstruation, is the sacred time when a girl spreads her wings to enter the spring of her life. However, for many of us, puberty and menarche may... read more →
Meet Bliss Baby Yoga’s Illustrator Sophie Duncan Here at Bliss Baby Yoga we are passionate about living with Ahimsa, or kindness towards the self, others and the planet at large.... read more →
Pelvic Girdle Pain, an instability in the Pelvis, Sacroiliac Joint and Symphysis Pubis, is one of the more common problems during pregnancy. It is something that as prenatal yoga teachers we... read more →
In this video Co-Director and Founder of Bliss Baby Yoga, Ana Davis, demonstrates with Sophie (27 weeks pregnant) how to adapt Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) pose for pregnancy. Using a... read more →
Nothing prepares you for what it feels like to lose a baby you haven’t yet held in your arms. While our society is happy to talk about pregnancy and birth,... read more →
Endometriosis affects approximately 600,000 women in Australia and 176 million women worldwide and, according to Endometriosis Australia, as many as 1 in 10 women suffer from this disease. What is... read more →
The third trimester feels like a very different phase of pregnancy. The physical body feels larger and heavier (it generally is), breath and movement can be compromised, and birth feels... read more →
When I was a little girl I was the mother to 6-8 children. Mostly cabbage dolls and one Cricket doll. I ran a school. I owned a business. I was... read more →
Becoming a mother is one of the most transformational times in a woman’s life. Sadly, it is a rite of passage that is too often navigated alone, with partners working long... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga graduate Chaitanya Morly-Southall uses the tools of Yoga, Education and Holistic Pelvic CareTM to help women connect and heal their feminine foundations. Chaitanya, founder of The Womb... read more →
Add a chair to your Prenatal Yoga! There are so many benefits to using a chair within Prenatal Yoga. This simple prop will provide support, stability and enhance alignment for... read more →
In this video blog, Occupational Therapist, Yoga Therapist and Bliss Baby Yoga guest presenter, Maria Kirsten, shares her top tips for supporting a healthy and stable sacro-iliac joint. This is... read more →
Art to Healing is a not-for-profit organisation which supports women and girls who have been impacted by sex slavery. Through expressive art therapies and awareness-based practices (including yoga), women and girls are empowered... read more →
When you enter the world of motherhood, so many practices from your “old” life slip away. It’s not uncommon for you to have feelings of grief for your pre-baby life... read more →
I’ll admit it now. I used to be a hot yoga junkie. As an Australian living many years through cold European winters, I left my practice at the Iyengar Institute... read more →
During menstruation, the body is governed by the quality of apana - the energy residing in the pelvis and lower abdomen that facilitates the movement of blood down and out of... read more →
Here is the perfect soothing mini practice for you to help open your heart and shoulders. A simple flow to encourage your breath and prana to move through your body,... read more →
The Waxing Moon phase is when a woman emerges from the hibernation of the Dark Moon menstrual phase and moves more actively towards ovulation. While renewed vigour usually accompanies this... read more →
Getting to know our Bliss Baby Yoga graduates and community. Bliss Baby Yoga Graduate, Fiona Southwell, runs Fiona Southwell Coaching and teaches prenatal yoga, feminine yoga and yoga for fertility... read more →
It’s typically said that a woman’s monthly cycle consists of two phases. The First phase, known as the Proliferative or Follicular Phase, spans from the menstrual period until ovulation (usually... read more →
Writer and psychotherapist, Kimberley Lipschus has had a longstanding fascination with storytelling and the human condition. The focus of her psychotherapy practice is on life transitions. She shares the simplest... read more →
In this video blog, Senior Bliss Baby Yoga Course Facilitator, Star Despres, explains how moving away from an old, masculine paradigm of sharing online and towards a feminine approach of... read more →
“Breathe deep in the belly.” ”Send your breath to your baby.” “Feel the expansion of the belly as you inhale.” These are some of the instructions you might have heard... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Teacher, Rosie Matheson shares her journey to discovering and working with Bliss Baby Yoga and how she balances her yoga practice with motherhood. Tell us about... read more →
Yoga is often the last thing on the sleep-deprived and time-challenged new mother’s agenda. However, as a mother and longtime yoga practitioner myself, I’m passionate about promoting the benefits of... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Director and Founder, Ana Davis, shares how ancient ideas from the Yoga Sutras are just as relevant today for modern day parents. It's true what they say... read more →
These times have changed our yoga world. It doesn’t matter how experienced a yoga teacher you are, streaming live yoga classes is new to so many. And for some, this... read more →
Doula Trainer, Childbirth Educator and beloved Bliss Baby Yoga guest presenter, Anna Watts shares that over the last 30 years, she has learnt that something unexpected always happens during birth,... read more →
In this intimate blog, Bliss Baby Yoga Director and Founder, Ana Davis, shares how Mindful Self Compassion can be a valuable tool for parents, particularly those raising teens. I breathe... read more →
Every pregnant mother has some worries — but when anxiety begins to overwhelm you, what can you do? Anxiety during pregnancy – is it normal? Each pregnancy is a unique... read more →
How does Yoga support our wellbeing? Yoga offers a way for humans to thrive and maintain equilibrium in the face of impermanence. It does this by putting us in touch... read more →
Many of us appreciate that each pregnancy and birth is unique, whether it’s a woman’s first, second or fifth baby! With each pregnancy we’re carrying a different set of DNA,... read more →
The decision to have a baby is never one that’s taken lightly. There are those of us who’ve had the yearning to become mothers from when we were girls, but... read more →
An important factor in postpartum recovery is re-establishing the integrity of the pelvic floor muscles. (And if we're honest, healthy pelvic floor strength and function is very important for all... read more →
More than 30% of women giving birth in the Western world will have their babies brought earth side via caesarian section. Some will be planned but many will be via... read more →
You wait in the dark, in the blank absence, the void, and sooner or later, something appears, begins to take shape, something that could not have come into anything other... read more →
It’s three days till I turn 49. An inconsequential birthday perhaps. But I consider it an opportunity to rehearse: to spend the next year consciously preparing for the big "five... read more →
My first memory of Yoga Nidra is as a child when I would a tag along with my mother to her local yoga class, and I’d find myself aimlessly wandering... read more →
‘Moving with the Moon – Yoga, Movement and Meditation for Every Phase of Your Menstrual Cycle’ by Ana Davis BOOK REVIEW BY YOGA TEACHER AND AUTHOR, EVE GRZYBOWSKI Have you... read more →
Did you know that dates can help reduce the need for an induction and shorten the length of labour? This recently discovered phenomenon has seen women the world over buying... read more →
Food is such a powerful tool. It brings joy and pleasure to our senses, can heal us physically, connect us culturally, and provides us with deep nourishment and nurturing. Not... read more →
Did you know that every month when you have your period and your uterus sheds its lining you are going through a kind of ‘mini-birth’? Your cervix (entrance to your... read more →
Is it safe to teach a woman in your prenatal class with Placenta Previa? Experienced prenatal yoga teacher and Bliss Baby Yoga’s new Content Advisor, Nadine O’Mara, explores this question.... read more →
Mother of three and Bliss Baby Yoga graduate, Nadia Parisi spoke to Bliss Baby Yoga about her professional journey in becoming a ‘one-stop-shop’ for women seeking to become pregnant, right... read more →
When I was only a few weeks away from giving birth to my son I went to visit a dear friend who had recently returned home from the hospital after... read more →
This beautiful mantra will have you feeling blissful and centered. Our Senior Bliss Baby Yoga teacher, Jennifer Allen, has shared a beautiful combination of mantra and mudra to support pregnancy... read more →
These days, Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga are bandied about as synonymous. Senior Bliss Baby Yoga teacher, Jennifer Allen teaches both styles and helps clear up the confusion – they... read more →
3 simple practices for a calm, happy and resilient nervous system Collectively, women’s health is in crisis. In a culture that bows down at the altar of productivity it’s no... read more →
Have you hit a wall in your career development, or do you think you might be in danger of burnout? You might want to consider taking a sabbatical. Getting away... read more →
Mindful, embodied feminine leadership is about facilitating change gracefully not wilfully. It’s about leading with the power of full and complete presence and showing up with the most valuable gift... read more →
Ayurveda is an ancient system of healing from India that is often translated as the ‘Science of Life’. Ayurveda draws on nature as it’s foundation, thereby offering a holistic and... read more →
Recorded for Lisa Fitzpatrick's Feminine Leadership Summit (2018), in this interview with Lisa our Bliss Baby Yoga Director Ana Davis discusses her journey of running a busy yoga business and... read more →
To help you on your path of rest and self-care, our special guest teacher Dr Lauren Tober, shares a beautifully simple practice of the Extended Exhale Breath in this video.... read more →
Do you find yourself feeling easily 'flighty' and anxious? Do you often have suffer from insomnia? Does your skin get dry, especially during the colder months of autumn and winter? ... read more →
“How can I use yoga to guide my baby into the best position for birth?” If you’re a pregnancy yoga teacher, it’s very likely you’ve been asked this question by... read more →
What is "optimal foetal positioning"? In this informative video, our Bliss Baby Yoga guest presenter, Childbirth Educator and Doula Trainer, Anna Watts, explains the various ways that a baby can... read more →
Winter is very often the season for coughs and colds. This is when we need to enlist some natural strategies for strengthening our immunity. Along with dosing up on the... read more →
Tanya Neate, Bliss Baby Yoga Fertility Yoga Specialist, shares her tips on training to be a heart-felt expert able to confidently support women in this specialised and growing field of... read more →
Chanting can be a beneficial tool in calming a woman's nervous system and therefore balancing her hormonal system for optimum fertility. Our Senior Bliss Baby Yoga Facilitator and Fertility Yoga... read more →
Be guided by Ana Davis through this beautiful Om Shanti Feminine Meditation which will help to ground you when you are feeling particularly busy or anxious. Exploring the breath and... read more →
‘I wouldn’t do this again in a hurry!’ I mutter to myself as I endure a blur of queasiness and bone-tiredness. I really do find that I have to follow... read more →
Watch this short video as Ana demonstrates a beautiful adjustment for your prenatal yoga students in Supported Prasarita Padottanasana (wide leg forward fold) at the wall. (Featuring our Bliss Baby... read more →
Feeling the heat? Here are some practices to cool your body and your mind that are also beneficial for PMS and menopausal hot flushes. Here in Australia we’re experiencing a... read more →
Everybody has heard about menopause. The clichéd understanding is that it’s that time in a woman’s life when she suffers hot-flushes and a dry vagina. However, little else is widely... read more →
Our Bliss Baby Yoga Assistant and Social Networking Manager, Sophie Duncan, asked our Director Ana some incisive questions to uncover some things about Ana you may not have known. What... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Fertility Yoga specialist, Tanya Neate, shares the benefits of yoga in supporting women on their journey to conceive. “Allow yourself to settle, make yourself comfortable and begin... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Senior Course Facilitator, Mari Notaras, shares a nourishing chicken soup recipe for new mums. “Birth was a time of honor for most tribal mothers. A woman in... read more →
Early pregnancy can be an overwhelming time. Maybe your pregnancy came as a complete surprise. Maybe you thought it would take time to conceive, but fell pregnant the second you... read more →
What is a feminine approach to yoga and how can the right kind of yoga support women of all ages and stages? Bliss Baby Director Ana Davis explores this question.... read more →
Ana Davis suggests some beneficial postures for releasing the psoas muscle during pregnancy and therefore supporting a pregnant woman's optimal posture and relieving back pain. In our Bliss Baby Yoga... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Director and Founder Ana Davis discusses the role of yoga and meditation practices in supporting and enhancing fertility for women who are preparing or trying to conceive.... read more →
Clinical Psychologist, Yoga Teacher and mother of two, Dr. Lauren Tober, sheds some light on Postnatal Depression. Postnatal depression affects many more women than you might think. Depending upon the... read more →
The concept of 'self-care' is a bit of a buzz-word these days, particularly in yoga and wellbeing circles. And it’s no wonder when you consider that the negative effects of... read more →
Rosie Matheson is a qualified Doula and an experienced prenatal and yoga for fertility teacher. Rosie is also a much loved Bliss Baby Yoga Facilitator due to her soft, utterly... read more →
Senior Bliss Baby Yoga Course Facilitator and mamma of two, Star Despres, shares some invaluable self-care tips for new mothers. In those bliss filled early days of new motherhood we... read more →
When you train to be a Bliss Baby Yoga teacher you are riding the crest of an exciting new wave of women's empowerment work. This inspiring blog from our Bliss... read more →
Ana Davis looks at why Restorative Yoga is so good for all of us, especially for women Have you noticed that your yoga practice is becoming yet another task on... read more →
A rejuvenating sequence for women who do too much. A wonderful practice to do when you don't even feel like you have the energy to get on your mat. Therapeutic... read more →
Some thoughts on practising supine yoga postures during pregnancy... It has generally been understood that it’s not appropriate for a pregnant yoga student to practice any supine positions (ie: lying... read more →
Pregnancy is the perfect time to indulge in some all important self-love. Whether it’s soaking in the tub, getting a massage, or practising restorative yoga, you’ll not only revive your... read more →