It’s typically said that a woman’s monthly cycle consists of two phases. The First phase, known as the Proliferative or Follicular Phase, spans from the menstrual period until ovulation (usually... read more →
Yoga is often the last thing on the sleep-deprived and time-challenged new mother’s agenda. However, as a mother and longtime yoga practitioner myself, I’m passionate about promoting the benefits of... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Director and Founder, Ana Davis, shares how ancient ideas from the Yoga Sutras are just as relevant today for modern day parents. It's true what they say... read more →
In this intimate blog, Bliss Baby Yoga Director and Founder, Ana Davis, shares how Mindful Self Compassion can be a valuable tool for parents, particularly those raising teens. I breathe... read more →
You wait in the dark, in the blank absence, the void, and sooner or later, something appears, begins to take shape, something that could not have come into anything other... read more →
It’s three days till I turn 49. An inconsequential birthday perhaps. But I consider it an opportunity to rehearse: to spend the next year consciously preparing for the big "five... read more →
My first memory of Yoga Nidra is as a child when I would a tag along with my mother to her local yoga class, and I’d find myself aimlessly wandering... read more →
Did you know that every month when you have your period and your uterus sheds its lining you are going through a kind of ‘mini-birth’? Your cervix (entrance to your... read more →
Mother of three and Bliss Baby Yoga graduate, Nadia Parisi spoke to Bliss Baby Yoga about her professional journey in becoming a ‘one-stop-shop’ for women seeking to become pregnant, right... read more →
When I was only a few weeks away from giving birth to my son I went to visit a dear friend who had recently returned home from the hospital after... read more →