When I was 42 I was tired. So tired that I became sick. I had been running on adrenaline for too many years—single-parenting while juggling a demanding work schedule that... read more →
This blog was written prior to Maria Kirsten's passing in April, 2021. She was a treasured member of our Bliss Baby Yoga community, and is dearly missed, particularly by her... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga Founder and Co-Director, Ana Davis, discusses prolapse and how the right kind of yoga can support a woman’s recovery from this condition. A prolapse occurs when the... read more →
In this video Co-Director and Founder of Bliss Baby Yoga, Ana Davis, demonstrates with Sophie (27 weeks pregnant) how to adapt Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) pose for pregnancy. Using a... read more →
Endometriosis affects approximately 600,000 women in Australia and 176 million women worldwide and, according to Endometriosis Australia, as many as 1 in 10 women suffer from this disease. What is... read more →
Add a chair to your Prenatal Yoga! There are so many benefits to using a chair within Prenatal Yoga. This simple prop will provide support, stability and enhance alignment for... read more →
Oxytocin is often dubbed as the ‘love hormone’ and offers many benefits, especially for women. The role that the hormone oxytocin plays in birth and motherhood is generally well understood:... read more →
During menstruation, the body is governed by the quality of apana - the energy residing in the pelvis and lower abdomen that facilitates the movement of blood down and out of... read more →
Here is the perfect soothing mini practice for you to help open your heart and shoulders. A simple flow to encourage your breath and prana to move through your body,... read more →
The Waxing Moon phase is when a woman emerges from the hibernation of the Dark Moon menstrual phase and moves more actively towards ovulation. While renewed vigour usually accompanies this... read more →