Menarche, or first menstruation, is the sacred time when a girl spreads her wings to enter the spring of her life. However, for many of us, puberty and menarche may... read more →
Women’s Health & Wellness
Nothing prepares you for what it feels like to lose a baby you haven’t yet held in your arms. While our society is happy to talk about pregnancy and birth,... read more →
Endometriosis affects approximately 600,000 women in Australia and 176 million women worldwide and, according to Endometriosis Australia, as many as 1 in 10 women suffer from this disease. What is... read more →
Bliss Baby Yoga graduate Chaitanya Morly-Southall uses the tools of Yoga, Education and Holistic Pelvic CareTM to help women connect and heal their feminine foundations. Chaitanya, founder of The Womb... read more →
In this video blog, Occupational Therapist, Yoga Therapist and Bliss Baby Yoga guest presenter, Maria Kirsten, shares her top tips for supporting a healthy and stable sacro-iliac joint. This is... read more →
During menstruation, the body is governed by the quality of apana - the energy residing in the pelvis and lower abdomen that facilitates the movement of blood down and out of... read more →
The Waxing Moon phase is when a woman emerges from the hibernation of the Dark Moon menstrual phase and moves more actively towards ovulation. While renewed vigour usually accompanies this... read more →
Getting to know our Bliss Baby Yoga graduates and community. Bliss Baby Yoga Graduate, Fiona Southwell, runs Fiona Southwell Coaching and teaches prenatal yoga, feminine yoga and yoga for fertility... read more →
It’s typically said that a woman’s monthly cycle consists of two phases. The First phase, known as the Proliferative or Follicular Phase, spans from the menstrual period until ovulation (usually... read more →
An important factor in postpartum recovery is re-establishing the integrity of the pelvic floor muscles. (And if we're honest, healthy pelvic floor strength and function is very important for all... read more →